UVI Vintage Vault 3 \ Vintage Vault 2 NKS Library for Komplete Kontrol \ Maschine

vintagevault3 nks splash

UVI Vintage Vault 3 NKS Browser Library for Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

This NKS library contains all Vintage Vault 2 content (8000+ presets over 25+ instruments) plus the additional Vintage Vault 3 content (3500+ additional presets over 7 additional instruments).... Over 11,000 presets in total! Each instrument has a detailed controller map that covers all/most of the available controls in each plugin as well as sound preview files, library artwork and detailed tagging. These presets can be used in either UVI Workstation or Falcon



  • Komplete Kontrol Software v2.0+
  • Maschine Software 2.6+
  • Supports Komplete Keyboards (all versions)
  • Supports Maschine Hardware (all versions) 
  • Works on PC / MAC
  • Supports 64 Bit VST2 / VST3
  • Presets: 11,000+ (32 separate instruments)
  • Requires UVI Vintage Vault 3
  • Works with UVI Workstation
  • Works with UVI Falcon
  • Requires up-to-date libraries

If you receive the error: "Unable to mount the volume" you need to check which UFS library you have the issues with and update to the latest available from the UVI site


Demo Version

The Free Download Version contains a handful of presets to test how the NKS installation and compatibility will work. You can download and install this for free to test things out before purchasing the full NKS browser pack. 

Download Demo


Full Version: Vintage Vault 3

Please Login or Create an Account to purchase and download the files. 

Owners of Vintage Vault 2 can upgrade at the special price by logging in first

You will find all your purchased downloads on the My Downloads page

If you have any issues with the checkout process please feel free to Contact Me with your registered User Name. 

NKS Library: UVI Vintage Vault 3 A$69.99

Vintage Vault 2

If you only own Vintage Vault 2 and have no plans to upgrade you can get the Vintage Vault 2 NKS Library here: 

NKS Library: UVI Vintage Vault 2 A$59.99


Individual Libraries

You can purchase individual instrument NKS libraries if you do not require the entire Vintage Vault collection. Visit this page:

uviInstruments nks splash800





Install instructions are included with each download but you can also download instructions here: 

Download PDF Instructions


Browser & Controls

vintagevault nks gui

Vintage Vault offers a number of "plugins" that open within the same host. These are essentially libraries with dedicated controls similar to Kontakt. Each synth library has been designed into individual NKS library entries and some libraries contain multiple banks to filter through. Finding and loading sounds using Komplete Kontrol is much faster than within UVI Workstation or Falcon. 

Artwork has been carefully designed for each plugin to make the browser easy on the eyes and all labelling and library management has been designed to work efficiently on MK1 + MK2 keyboards alike.

Each plugin has a dedicated controller map that offers access to almost every control in each plugin. 

Files are now tagged with detailed tagging information over all files (which took weeks to do!!!) so please enjoy. 

Due to the huge amount of work involved and the large amount of different control templates, some issues may be present. If you find anything simply feed it back to us.



- There are now 2 identical libraries included in the download (for UVI Workstation and Falcon) but only 1 needs to be installed depending on if you use the Free UVI Workstation or the more advanced Falcon.

- Some instruments (UltraMini, Vector Pro) contain large sample libraries that can take some time to load especially if running from a mechanical HDD. Please keep this in mind if you find a large delay loading some instruments. 

- If you are receiving an error "unable to mount the volume" when launching some presets, take note of the instrument you have issues with and check for an updated UFS file download for that instrument as old libraries are the cause for this error. This collection has been tested on several PCs with different installation paths and also Mac and should work without issue if you are up to date.


Support forum on Native Instruments forum Here

Frequently Asked Questions



This NKS library is created with no affiliation to Native Instruments or the VST vendor. I am not paid, or even supported by Native Instruments or the vendors. Downloading and usage of this library is at the users own risk. Payments are non refundable. There is no support or guarantee offered that these will suit your own application which is why a free version is offered to test with. If you are satisfied with the free version then the paid version offers the same features and includes all factory presets. There is no guarantee that future versions of the Komplete/Maschine software will support these preset files or the current features.

Users are not authorised to share or distribute the files with anyone else without the consent of Freelance SoundLabs. A lot of work goes into managing this project, hosting the files and writing documentation and I am also an active forum member helping out users. Please do the right thing; the cost is only a few beers to help me out.



v2.6.0 (7 July 2022)
- Unified/Updated tagging over all NKS libraries and set library base version to 2.6.0

2.5.5 (8 Mar 21)
- Fixed UltraMini library, some banks did not work with the mapped controls

2.5.4 (5-Feb-20)
- Released Vintage Vault 3 Content

2.5.3 (22 Jan 2020)
- Added "PolarX" bank to Kroma library

2.5.2 (19 April 2019)
- Re-rendered sound previews to address glitch issue at end of file and also reduce size of library.
- Cleaned up and improved some tagging across libraries.
- Some library paths have changed to group some plugins by developer in the user folder.

v2.5.0 (11 March 2019)
- Updated tagging for NKS v1.5 tagging format

v 2.2.1 - 9 Oct 2018

- Added NKS files for Falcon as well as UVI Workstation
- Added artwork for Falcon plugin
- Fixed image for plugin for Mac not loading
- Fixed incorrectly saved NKS files for UltraMini instrument Classic Poly
- Fixed a number of sound previews that were not generated correctly
- Fixed several incorrectly saved files and incorrectly generated sound files
- Updated library to now include Falcon presets converted from UVI Workstation
- Added full 2 level tagging to NKS files for all instruments
- Generated new sound files for Bass notes (C2 instead of C3)

v 2.2.0 - 4 Oct 2018

- Initial version released (v2.2.0)



Last modified on Monday, 10 June 2024 09:16

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