Latest News (32)


Read up on the latest additions to the site, changes to products and other announcements. Any new and important news will be listed and archived here.

roland cloud nks splash800

There has just been an update to many of the Roland Cloud libraries to add new presets and update a few templates. 

TAL Pha Updated

tal tal pha nks splash800


Quick note that TAL Pha has been updated to fix missing bank names. If you want to select the different collections via the Banks in the NKS browser you can download the updated version 3.0.1 from your user download page

kk mk3

So as many of you reading this now know a new hardware keyboard is about to be released, the Komplete Kontrol MK3 along with a new version of software and there is a buzz of questions around what this means for current and future libraries so I thought I would try cover all the questions I am being asked daily so if I have flicked you a simple link after your question saying "Read This" and you are now reading this page, welcome, I mean only the best but do answer the same questions over a few times so here is what I can answer currently. 


We have been updating NKS libraries for VST3 compatibility and testing for the last 10 months and are happy to announce almost all libraries that can be updated to VST3 have finally been updated. Most VST3 plugins now also support Apple M1/M2 processors so for all you mac users most of your plugins now work. 

If you are not all that farmiliar with VST2/3 differences or what any of this may mean to you, read on for all the info you will need. 


Initial Audio and TAL Audio libraries have just been updated for VST3 compatibility and should now support Apple Silicon.

Cherry Audio VST3 Updates

An update is now available for all Cherry Audio NKS libraries which should now work with VST3/Apple Silicon versions of Cherry Audio plugins.

Spectrasonics VST3 Update

An update is now available for all Spectrasonics NKS libraries including all 3rd party libraries to support VST3 (and Apple Silicon)



Notice on Korg NKS Libraries and VST3 Compatibility

This is a quick notice to update the state of compatibility for Korg NKS Libraries and VST3. 

The current NKS libraries for the Korg plugins were developed using the VST2 versions of the plugins and are not currently compatible with VST3. 

You may notice if you have only the VST3 version of some plugins installed (such as Arp Oddysey) that the NKS file does launch the VST and loads the correct sound BUT Korg failed to pay attention to migrating control IDs and all mapped parameters will be mismatched and not function correctly. 

Just know we are aware of this issue and work is being done to update the templates and also migrate all these to VST3. In addition to this some of the new instruments in the Korg Collection 4 bundle will also be processed but unsure if these will be available at the same time as the current updates. 

We hope to have these available by the end of the year. 


With the state of things with macOS M1 and VST 3 compatibility here is what you need to know in regards to NKS libraries developed by FreelanceSoundlabs 

roland cloud nks splash800

Roland Cloud instruments have been requested over the years and are finally coming to Kompleten Kontrol and Maschine! 

NKS Tagging & Library Updates!

This month has been a month of doing much needed tag maintenance and some library fixes. This has taken a full month to update all libraries, documentation and files on the site since as you can imagine there is a lot to update.


ana kk splash800

 An update is available for Spectrasonic Trilian NKS library

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