General Info Blog (6)

Some general info and tips on whatever comes to mind

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I have been sitting on this "how to" for years as I personally was personally hoping NI would implement a global search feature allowing users to search their user and factory libraries easily. This still has not happened after 4 years of patiently waiting so here is the easy way to move your user NKS files into the Factory Library!

Sound Mixes Completed!

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Last year I was involved in the location sound recording for 2 short films:


Slow Take

Both films were produced by a good mate Chris who runs CLU Productions and I had agreed to do the audio recording for both projects. I also agreed to do the sound mix for Reactions but was not initially asked to help with Slow Take as this was not directed by Chris...

Happy New Year

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Happy New Year!!!
The new year is upon us (duh) and I have a lot of hopes for the months to come. 

2013 was a complete mix of good and bad. On the good side I saw friends marry, babies born, old aquantences reunite. I aquired some much desired toys (Ableton Push!) and finally got my website back up and started again. I also ended the year with a pay rise and much accolades for a hard years work. 

But the year was not without sadness and loss.


Film Shoot - Reactions

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Another short film I was involved in was "Reactions" produced again by CLU Productions. This film is a funny little film where a man arrives home to find someone in his house. He sneaks insight to gain the drop on the intruder and after a big struggle where he demolishes his kitchen he finds a bit of a "surprise".


Film Shoot - Slow Take

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Over the weekend we completed filming of a 60 second short film produced by CLU Productions called "Short Take".

This is a small short film being entered into a festival. One of 2 films being produced at the moment by CLU Productions that Freelance Soundlabs is involved in. 

The small films tagline: John’s disappearing lunch draws him towards a breaking point that reveals the true culprit.

The film is produced by Christian Uppill and stars Rowan Hopkins (both are good friends. Director was Phil Sandell and camera operator was Matt Overy.

I was there operating the boom mic and sound recording equipment (image) as well as gathering foley etc. The shoot took place over 2 days (Sat/Sun) and was filmed in my office which I offered up as the location after issues in the last few weeks with the initial location. 



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This is a TEST page that is currently being used to test some audio players!

Feel free to check them out. These will be used on the site for different features soon.

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