Softube (8)

category vendor softube

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(4 votes)

dco 106 nks splash

Welcome to the Softube Model 72 NKS library for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

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softube model 77 splash

Welcome to the Softube Model 77 Dual Layer Synth NKS library for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

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(3 votes)

softube model80 nks splash

Welcome to the Softube Model 80 NKS library for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

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softube model82 nks splash

Welcome to the Softube Model 82 NKS library for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

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(7 votes)

softube model84 nks splash

Welcome to the Softube Model 84 NKS library for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

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softube monumentbass nks splash

Welcome to the Softube Monoment Bass NKS library for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

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softube parallels nks splash

Welcome to the Softube Parallels NKS library for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

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softube statementlead nks splash

Welcome to the Softube Statement Lead NKS library for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

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