tone2 electra splash image

Welcome to the Tone2 Electra3 NKS Browser Library for Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

vengeance avenger splash image

Welcome to the Updated Vengeance Avenger 2 NKS Browser Library for Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

NKS Library Update v2.2.0


NKS Library Update v2.2.0

This is just a notification to let you know that we have an updated version of ALL NKS libraries for Komplete / Maschine available.  

This new version update is recommended to download and update all your Freelance Soundlab libraries to get the most out of them.

Just Login to your account and go to My Downloads for your updates 

For all NKS releases visit the NKS Page


sonic projects OPX Splash image

Welcome to the Sonic Projects OPX Pro II NKS Browser Library for Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

kv331 synthmaster 2 splash image

Welcome to the KV331 SynthMaster 2 NKS Browser Library for Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

dmitry sches Thorn Splash Image

Welcome to the Plugin Alliance DS Thorn NKS Browser Library for Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

tone 2 Icarus Splash Image

Welcome to the Tone2 Icarus 2 / 3 NKS Browser Library for Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol / Maschine.

TAL Bassline Splash Image

Welcome to the TALBassline 101 NKS Browser Library for Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

Latest NKS Updates 2.1.1 & New Releases

NKS packages are now running at v2.1.1 as of December 11 2017. If you want to know the versions you are running, check the downloaded ZIP file for the readme which shows the version. This is an incremental update from the big 2.1 update.

ALL NKS libraries have been updated with new tagging, some new artwork and database files and new sound preview files. It is RECOMMENDED to download and replace your existing libraries but it's up to you

All existing 2.1 users can access the latest updates for free. Just Login and go to My Downloads and you should see your previous downloads listed there. If something is not available, please let me know and I will look into it

xfer Serum Splash image

Welcome to the Xfer Serum NKS Browser Library for Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

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