Latest News (31)


Read up on the latest additions to the site, changes to products and other announcements. Any new and important news will be listed and archived here.

With the release of Komplete Kontrol 2.1 comes a new NKS tagging version 1.5. This is quite a big update to the NKS tagging and FreelanceSoundlabs has broken down all the changes in this update and applied this to ALL our libraries in a Free update for users. Read on for more details

 After a lot of work and testing I am pleased to release the latest NKS library for the new Omnisphere 2.5 Hardware Library.

There have been a number of new NKS library releases over the last few months so here are the details of the latest additions...


NKS Library Update v2.2.0


NKS Library Update v2.2.0

This is just a notification to let you know that we have an updated version of ALL NKS libraries for Komplete / Maschine available.  

This new version update is recommended to download and update all your Freelance Soundlab libraries to get the most out of them.

Just Login to your account and go to My Downloads for your updates 

For all NKS releases visit the NKS Page


This page details the major update change history for NKS library releases

NKS packages are now running at v2.1.1 as of December 11 2017. If you want to know the versions you are running, check the downloaded ZIP file for the readme which shows the version. This is an incremental update from the big 2.1 update.

ALL NKS libraries have been updated with new tagging, some new artwork and database files and new sound preview files. It is RECOMMENDED to download and replace your existing libraries but it's up to you

All existing 2.1 users can access the latest updates for free. Just Login and go to My Downloads and you should see your previous downloads listed there. If something is not available, please let me know and I will look into it

Ableton Live 10 New Features

So it's now well known that Live 10 will be released next year and I for one am excited. I already have a copy of the Beta and there are some great new features and improvements that add up to an overall better experience. There are still some things I would love to see but this is a great start to the new version and seems to be setting things up for some much better developments. 

Cart System & Download Updates

I have made some updated changes to the cart system when purchasing NKS libraries based on feedback and testing as well as updated the downloads section of the website for your purchased downloads.

We now have an exciting update to ALL NKS Preset Packs available from Freelance Soundlabs for Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol/Maschine. All NKS packs have been overhauled and are now v2.1 and there are a lot of new features...

Continuing work on the Komplete Kontrol hardware platform there are now a number of NKS Instrument Preset Packs available with more to come... 

For users of the Komplete Kontrol keyboard and software it is now possible to browse all the Omnisphere presets within Komplete Kontrol. This is very exciting because it now integrates Omnisphere with Komplete Kontrol offering complete preset loading, tweaking and flipping directly from the keyboard. 


After testing the Akai Advance and having a miserable time with bugs and issues with the software and keyboard I fell in love with the Komplete software and hardware as my main keyboard but since I also own a number of other VST instruments I was rather disappointed to learn that I could not browse VST presets, only load the instrument.... That was until now!

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