Ravenscroft 275 splash image

Welcome to the VI Labs Ravenscroft 275 NKS library for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine


digital suburban dexed splash image

Welcome to the Digital Suburban Dexed NKS library for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

With the release of Komplete Kontrol 2.1 comes a new NKS tagging version 1.5. This is quite a big update to the NKS tagging and FreelanceSoundlabs has broken down all the changes in this update and applied this to ALL our libraries in a Free update for users. Read on for more details

I have been sitting on this "how to" for years as I personally was personally hoping NI would implement a global search feature allowing users to search their user and factory libraries easily. This still has not happened after 4 years of patiently waiting so here is the easy way to move your user NKS files into the Factory Library!

There have been a number of new NKS library releases over the last few months so here are the details of the latest additions...


NKS Library Update v2.2.0


NKS Library Update v2.2.0

This is just a notification to let you know that we have an updated version of ALL NKS libraries for Komplete / Maschine available.  

This new version update is recommended to download and update all your Freelance Soundlab libraries to get the most out of them.

Just Login to your account and go to My Downloads for your updates 

For all NKS releases visit the NKS Page


dmitry sches Thorn Splash Image

Welcome to the Plugin Alliance DS Thorn NKS Browser Library for Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol / Maschine

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